Classic Cocktail - The Gimlet

Classic Cocktail - The Gimlet

The Gimlet

The origin of the name of this cocktail is contested. It could be that the piercing effect of the sharp lime led to it being named after a tool for drilling small holes. Or maybe due to the Surgeon Admiral Sir Thomas Gimlette KCB (1857–1943) who added lime cordial to the daily gin allowance of the men of the Royal Navy (UK) to help combat scurvy during time at sea. Whatever the origins, this is a well-known and loved cocktail. 

This is another really easy cocktail to make. We recommend making with Plymouth Gin (as this is a well known sea-faring gin!) but feel free to replace this with your favourite London Dry gin.


60ml Plymouth Gin

15ml Rose's Lime Cordial

Lime Wedge, and Basil Sprig to garnish


Fill a mixing glass with ice and add the lime codial and gin and stir gently. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a wedge of lime, a sprig of fresh basil and a single ice cube (so as not to dilute the drink).

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